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"Paese mè, 'n te pozze mai scurdà ...".Le semplici, toccanti parole della celeberrima canzone popolare abruzzese "Paese mè", del M.o Antonio Di Jorio, sono l'espressione più genuina per descrivere il profondo ed indissolubile vincolo affettivo che lega ogni uomo, per tutta la sua esistenza, al paese natio.
Questo sito è dedicato a tutti gli abruzzesi che vivono lontano dalla loro terra e si propone, per quanto possibile, di offrire loro le immagini più significative dei luoghi in cui hanno visto la luce e mosso i primi passi.
MUSEUMS OF ATRI: The Town Ethnographic Museum

The Town Ethnographic Museum is in Largo S. Pietro, just a few meters from Piazza Duomo. It contains over 2,000 objects which have been collected since 1983. The collection is divided into six sections, each one testifying some realties of the past:

  1. Inside this section, which is devoted to the industry, we can admire some pieces of great value, such as one of the early machines used for the production of the delicious local liquorice as well as one of the early camera (1927) used in the talking picture;
  2. This religious section shows several sacred prints and paintings, a small plaster nineteenth-century statue of S. Nicholas wearing a gold brocade dress, a wrought iron cross of the early nineteenth-century bearing the symbols of the Passion, a Naples Christmas crib and a "dormitio virginis" (a sleeping Virgin);
  3. The pottery from the Abruzzi (epoca '800-900) holds a remarkable position in the collection; it is represented by pieces coming from Castelli which were most used in the kitchen (plates with chinoiserie ornaments or armorial bearings, pans and so on);
  4. The music section shows several radios dating back to different ages, an old gramophone, an early nineteenth-century "Armonium" and a rich collection of old band instruments belonging to the members of the illustrious band of Atri (one of the early bands born in Abruzzo, in 1806).
  5. This section reproduces a "typical kitchen" of the past, a bedroom with nineteenth century furnitures, the typical workshop of the shoemaker, as well as the carpenter's bench of the past where we can admire an old very important wood-turning lathe;
  6. This little section of the Museum aims to keep the memory of the "miners emigrated to Belgium from Atri" in the fifties, alive. There are the pneumatic-hammer, the leather cop, the masks, the lamps and the aluminium mess-tins which bear out the miners hard and dangerous work. There are also other objects of different kind, such as an old  "palm" dating back to 1694.

The Museum took part at the World Fair in Siviglia in 1992 as well as at the First National Week for the Industrial Arts and the Industrial Archaeology which was held in Rome in 1996.

Winter (from October 1 to May 31)   Summer (from June 1 to September 30)

From Tuesday to Sunday

AM: 10,00 - 13,00


From Tuesday to Sunday

PM: 16,30 - 19,30

Booking for the tour guide at the direct number of the Coop. "Il Filo di Arianna" (Tel/Fax

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Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 01-PC250418+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 02-PC250381+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 03-PC250383+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 04-PC250387+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 05-PC250400+.jpg
Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 06-PC250393+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 07-PC250391+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 08-PC250395+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 09-PC250396+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 10-PC250401+.jpg
Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 11-PC250398+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 12-PC250402+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 13-PC250403+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 14-PC250407+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 15-PC250408+.jpg
Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri16-PC250409+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 17-PC250410+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 18-PC250413+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 19-PC250414+.jpg Museo Etnografico di Atri - The Ethnographic Museum of Atri 20-PC250420+.jpg

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Museums of Atri

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